
Rural is RAD

The Rural is Rad (RiR) movement has officially launched to support rural brands and founders in the outdoor industry by helping consumers and specialty, independent retailers discover new brands. RiR was dreamed up by the founders of Town Hall Outdoor Co (Robin Hall), Buttnski (Kelly Mazanti) and Stray Wild (TJ Smith). The movement was formed with a mission to build awareness for rural brands and founders who experience shared challenges working in remote places with limited resources, in hopes to empower consumers to shop locally while fostering brand awareness for the amazing products, jobs and communities that are being developed in more remote places. While it is currently Colorado-based, the movement has a vision for the community they are creating to become a formula that rural brands nationwide can replicate in the years to come.

“As founders in rural communities in Colorado, we know how important it is to collaborate and support each other due to working with more constraints and limited resources that are available in urban environments, ” said Smith, Founder of Stray Wild and local Grand Junction resident. “We are excited to help retailers and consumers find and fall in love with passionate, hard-working companies that provide great gear and services.”

As part of its commitment to fostering inclusivity and collaboration, Rural is Rad will host a series of events, workshops, and networking opportunities designed to empower rural entrepreneurs, connect industry leaders, and inspire the next generation of outdoor enthusiasts. Additionally, the movement has launched an online platform, serving as a hub for rural-based brands to connect and grow their audience. For a calendar of events, visit the RiR website. All rural outdoor brands are encouraged, at no cost, to join the Rural is Rad movement and become a part of a transformative journey towards a more inclusive, sustainable, and vibrant outdoor industry. For more information and to get involved, businesses are encouraged to join their directory. You can also follow and connect with RiR on Instagram.

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